VisaBuilder Tech Toolbox: The Extraordinary-Ability Instruction Manual for Founders, Engineers, and Tech Professionals.
Introducing the VisaBuilder Tech Toolbox: An Extraordinary-Ability Instruction Manual for Founders, Engineers, and Tech Professionals.
Does searching for information about O-1 / EB-1A tech visas make your head spin, just a little?
Do you feel like you might have a good shot at O-1 / EB-1A, but it’s hard to tell how close you are, or which credentials you should build next?
Is is hard to figure out which information’s trustworthy, among the sudden proliferation of O-1 / EB-1A “experts” offering advice after getting their own cases approved?
Are you tired of hearing that you need a PhD and academic papers, to get your O-1 / EB-1A, because you know that’s incorrect, but it’s hard to find the template that fits engineers?
Are you willing to hire the best extraordinary-ability lawyer you can find … but you can’t figure out which ones will actually work with you one-on-one, vs. dump you in a queue with no help or guidance?
“Why Is It So Hard to Find Out How to Do This?”
You’re not alone. It’s a frustration you share with some of the most accomplished founders, engineers, and tech professionals in the world.
“H-1B status feels like a brick on your chest, 24-7. I think I’d qualify for O-1 or EB-1A, but I can’t figure out how a software engineer’s supposed to document that. It would be so great to stay in the US and just … relax, and take a deep breath for once.”
“I’m the CTO of a $10M company. Do I really need to go get a PhD, to qualify for an O-1?”
“I’m a senior engineering director. I’ve been here 15 years. I’m afraid my department’s next for layoffs. The H-1B gives you 60 days. What if I have to pull my kids out of school? Take them away from their friends? This is the only home they know. They’ve never even been overseas yet. How can I do that to them? It keeps me awake at night worrying.”
“What is the deal with all these O-1 / EB-1A consultants on LinkedIn, offering help with YOUR case, based on approval of THEIR case? I mean, n=1. Why aren’t there any experienced attorneys offering services like this?”
“I’m ready to quit my FAANG job and start my own company, but I’m handcuffed to my employer by this H-1B. If I can’t crack the code on extraordinary ability, I’ll have to move my family to Canada. I’ve built a life here. I’d hate to leave. But I feel like I’m being punished for wanting to innovate and create jobs.”
“I interviewed, no kidding, 20 different lawyers about O-1 / EB-1A. They all told me something different. Not one of them gave me any practical advice about how to make a good case. How do you ever find out?”
“I spent over 100 hours researching O-1 / EB-1A visas for engineers, and all I found was a bunch of stuff for academics. Does the USA really only value PhDs who publish papers? I’ve made real products that save lives, and they don’t even care enough to keep me here?”
“I picked this expensive lawyer in Silicon Valley with a great reputation for winning EB-1A software engineer cases. They gave me the list of the 8 criteria, but no practical instructions. I kept asking them for specifics, like what kinds of awards and articles I should get. I never did get a straight answer. So I did my best. When the case was denied, they told me I wasn’t “extraordinary” after all. I felt like it was my fault, like I was a failure. But I also felt kind of ripped off by that firm, you know?”
Introducing the VisaBuilder Tech Toolbox: The Lawyer’s Guide to Engineering a Winning Extraordinary-Ability Case.
What if you could sit down today, with an extraordinary-ability attorney at the senior-partner level, and have them SHOW you what a winning tech case looks like, and exactly how it’s constructed?
What if the attorney gave you a private, behind-the-scenes tour of their workflow that revealed:
How they build a winning tech case for O-1 / EB-1A?
Exactly which categories you should have?
Exactly what evidence will meet the criteria, and what won’t?
How many categories you should have?
How much evidence you should have in each category?
How to organize and present your evidence for maximum persuasive impact?
How USCIS decides your case?
How to impress and win over your USCIS adjudicator … and how not to?
What if you could finally learn the formula for building a great case that’s specific to YOU, the engineer, maker, or founder — not some researcher or professor? A formula that highlights YOUR specific accomplishments? That showcases them persuasively within the 8 categories?
What if you could jump in right away, and plug your own credentials into this model, so you could see how close you are to a solid O-1 / EB-1A case?
What if you could trust that you’re building your case on a solid legal foundation? That you’re getting advice from an experienced attorney, with data from thousands of O-1 / EB-1A petitions, over 25+ years of law practice?
What if you weren’t rushing through a one-hour consult trying to cram all this in? What if the attorney invited you to study in their private law library, stay as long as you wanted, and come back whenever you like?
Welcome to the VisaBuilder Tech Toolbox.
The VisaBuilder Tech Toolbox: What’s Included.
The Tech Toolbox is VisaBuilder’s first online course. It includes all the core insights from my 25+ years of data collection, as an immigration attorney specializing in O-1 / EB-1A petitions for some of the biggest names in industry.
The Tech Toolbox is specifically designed for you, the tech professional. It’s the “missing manual” for extraordinary-ability petitions in tech and engineering specialties. It contains 4 modules: Audience Focus, Category Evidence, Final Merits Determination, and Instructions.
Tech Toolbox Course Description.
Module 1, Audience Focus, concentrates your energy with laser precision on the ONLY moment that matters to all your case-building efforts: The 30-minute window your USCIS examiner spends reviewing and deciding your case.
This hyper-focus on the 30-minute adjudication window, excluding all else, is the secret weapon of the most skilled extraordinary-ability lawyers in the immigration bar. You won’t find it discussed anywhere online. But it’s how the best attorneys achieve a 98%-plus approval rate, year after year.
Chapter 1. Introduction: Reverse-Engineering Your Case From the Moment of Decision. Every element of your evidence package will be reverse-engineered, down to the smallest detail, to optimize your examiner’s half-hour experience of YOU. Your petition will delight your adjudicator, make their day, and earn a quick, enthusiastic approval. Attorneys don’t call it this, but it’s user experience design for your USCIS adjudicator.
Chapter 2. Your Adjudicator’s Workplace: Welcome to the USCIS Service Center! Where does your case go for adjudication? How does it move through the system? How does it get routed to a decisionmaker? What else is going on around it? What is the USCIS service center, anyway? Is it open to the public? What’s it like to work there?
Chapter 3. Meet Your Adjudicator. What kind of person decides your case? What’s their experience, training, and worldview? What are their job duties and priorities? Are they specialists? How much do they know about extraordinary ability? Do they know anything about tech or engineering?
Chapter 4. A Day in the Life: How Your Adjudicator Decides Your Case. What happens in that crucial 30 minutes when adjudicator meets petition? How do they work through your case, evaluate your evidence, and make a decision? What factors tip the balance?
Chapter 5. A Winning Case vs. a Losing Case: What That Looks Like to Your Adjudicator. What’s the quality range of the O-1 / EB-1A petitions your adjudicator sees that day or that week? What’s an “A” submission, what’s an “F” submission, and how can we position yours as “A+”?
Chapter 6. The Most Important 30 Minutes of Your Life: How to Delight Your Adjudicator and Earn a Quick Win. Our highest priority in case design is to give your adjudicator a great experience of YOU for 30 minutes. When they open your case file, we want them to experience a half-hour relaxing in a hammock, not slogging through a swamp. Our aim is to delight this person, make their day, and give them a gift of the best petition they’ve seen all week.
Module 2, Category Evidence, dives right into your most urgent questions about the 8 O-1 / EB-1A categories. What does the language really mean? Which categories? How many categories? What qualifies? What doesn’t? How much evidence per category? What’s USCIS actually looking for here?
Chapter 1. Introduction: Your USCIS Examiner’s Approach to Category Evidence. Your USCIS adjudicator starts with the letter of the law, and we will too. We’ll optimize the category structure for tech and engineering cases, not academic cases: 3 “substance” categories, 2 “must-have” categories, and 3 “acclaim” categories.
Then we’ll shadow your adjudicator as they work down the list of the required legal elements for each category, checking items off their checklist one by one.
Chapter 2. The 3 Substance Categories: Original Contributions, Critical Role, and High Salary. These are the core categories in tech and engineering cases. They showcase what you’ve contributed, why it’s cool, and how others value it.
Original contributions is your foundational category. It’s the most challenging to build, and it has the highest case-winning payoff. Critical role and high salary are also high-payoff, and should be included whenever possible.
- Original Contributions of Major Significance. The foundational category for a tech industry case, showing your dent in the universe. 2 legal elements:
Originality of contribution.
Specific impacts on the industry as a whole. - Critical Role for Distinguished Organization. Your contributions to your employer’s mission. 2 legal elements:
Criticality of role.
Distinction of organization. - High Salary. How the industry values your contributions. 2 legal elements:
Proof of compensation.
Salary surveys showing you in the top percentile.
Chapter 3. The 2 Must-Have Categories: Published Articles and Judging the Work of Others. In tech and engineering industry cases, these 2 categories are evaluated much more generously than they are in academic cases. You can also compile them 100% via your own efforts, positioning yourself as a subject matter expert in your niche.
Every case should include lots of evidence in these 2 categories! Note that we’re talking about tech industry publications and events here, NOT academic papers or citation counts.
- Published Articles. 3 legal elements:
Actual publication or presentation.
Audience of tech professionals or peers.
Prestige and reach of publication or venue. - Judging the Work of Others. 2 legal elements:
Invitation to serve as a judge of the work of peers.
Proof of actual judging and its outcome.
Chapter 4. The 3 Acclaim Categories: Exclusive Memberships, Awards and Prizes, and Major Media Coverage. These categories say “here’s how my industry applauds my work.” Acclaim-seeking isn’t a big thing in engineering culture, so these are listed last. However, they’re also the engineer’s secret weapon. The compilation of detailed statistics is the key to success in the acclaim categories. Most applicants don’t bother — so if you do, you’ve got the advantage. You’ll need at least one acclaim category.
- Exclusive Memberships. 4 legal elements:
Proof of membership.
Organization as a free-standing entity.
Elite selection criteria.
Prestige of individual selectors. - Awards and Prizes. 3 legal elements:
Individual receipt of specific award.
Purpose of award as recognition of excellence.
High prestige of award in your field. - Major Media Coverage. 3 legal elements:
Articles “about” you.
Prestige of publication.
Title, date, and author of article.
Putting It All Together. How many categories do you need, and how many accomplishments in each category? Here are a few examples showing different ways to achieve a critical mass of winning evidence.
Module 3, Final Merits Determination, shows you how top attorneys ace the “final merits determination” by staging a 30-minute “performance of extraordinariness.”
Chapter 1. Introduction: Solving the “Hard Problem” of the Final Merits Determination. The adjudicator decides your case in a 2-step process. First, they work down their checklist to evaluate the required legal elements of your category evidence. Second, they perform a “final merits determination” to assess your “sustained acclaim at the very top of your field of endeavor.”
Your adjudicator excels at checklists, as we saw in Module 2. But “final merits” is subjective. It’s not a checklist item. It’s hard for them to code-switch out of left-brain list mode, into right-brain big-picture mode. Luckily, we’ve solved that hard problem for them!
All the way down the checklist, we’ve already “performed extraordinariness” for them. Our carefully designed presentation has been hard at work, imprinting a vivid subliminal picture of your “sustained acclaim at the top of the field of endeavor.” So when they reach the final merits, it’s an easy approval for them, and an easy win for you. Here are the 4 elements of our performance art.
Chapter 2. Structure: An Authoritative Content Framework. A clear, obvious petition structure helps your examiner grasp the entirety of your case during a short time frame. Your categories are strategically ordered into a narrative. They’re rigidly separated, identified, and defined. They “over-perform extraordinariness,” aiming for the maximum, not the minimum, with high-quality evidence in 5 or 6 categories or more.
Chapter 3. Niche: A Narrow, Specialized Field of Endeavor. The essence of extraordinary ability is proving that you’re “one of that small percentage who have risen to the very top of the field of endeavor.” Strategically defining a specialized niche makes it much easier for the adjudicator to view you as someone who’s risen to the top of your field.
Chapter 4. Story: A Simple, Compelling Narrative. Page 1 of your cover letter is a one-page shapshot of your O-1 / EB-1A qualifications. It’s your “cover of Time magazine.” It explains to the examiner, in simple language, who you are, what you do, and why you’re the best in the world at it.
Chapter 5. Design: A Striking Visual Impression. A beautiful presentation is an instant marker of authority and credibility. This “halo effect” imprints on your adjudicator’s brain within milliseconds. It makes your whole petition glow with extraordinariness. Designing beautiful exhibits is easy and fun. It’s a terrific force multiplier to show sustained acclaim at the top of your field.
Putting It All Together. How to organize your own “performance of extraordinariness” to ace your final merits determination.
Bonus Section: Inspiring Case Studies of O-1 and EB-1A Winners. Meet 10 founders, engineers, and tech professionals who mastered the O-1 / EB-1A case-building process. Read their inspiring public accounts of how they persevered and overcame obstacles to win their golden tickets.
Module 4. Instructions, switches the focus away from your USCIS adjudicator, and onto you and your design-build project. It explains how to plan, outline, and construct your own winning O-1 / EB-1A case.
Chapter 1. Quick-Start Guide: Ten things You Can Do Right Now to Build Your Winning Portfolio Without Any Special Instructions. Ready to jump right in? Start here.
- 10-point task list. The one-page TL;DR to start your case today.
- Bonus list 1. Four tasks best left for later.
- Bonus list 2. Four surprising kiss-of-death elements to avoid at all costs.
Chapter 2. Your Mindset. Stepping into the arena with USCIS requires some rigorous mental preparation. Your battle arsenal includes taking ownership of every factor within your control; depersonalizing all USCIS interactions; summoning your stubborn-minded perseverance; and deploying some advanced gamer strategies to outwit, outlast, outplay.
Chapter 3. Case Visualization. We’ll visualize your ideal case in your mind’s eye, then create an avatar for your player-character in the starring role.
Chapter 4. Original Contributions: Your Career Trajectory and Your Greatest Hits. The foundation of your winning case is your chronology of original contributions over the trajectory of your career. We’ll build your timeline, identify your “greatest hits,” and dig up some specific impacts of those projects on the world.
Chapter 5. Your Category Outline. We’ll build out all your category evidence along the same timeline, and standardize the format for listing your evidence items in each category.
Chapter 6. Your Niche, Your Superpower, and Your Story. These closely intertwined elements position you as a thought leader at the top of your field. We’ll define your narrow, specialized field of endeavor. We’ll identify your superpower: The one thing you do better than anyone else in the world. We’ll see how to distill your story down to its essence, framing you as “one of that small percentage who has risen to the very top of the field of endeavor.”
Customized Consultations Available. Still have questions? Book your (optional) consultation to supercharge your case. Includes a thorough review of your credentials; a one-hour Zoom call to answer your questions; and a recap email with recommendations for moving forward. $500 per consultation. Private link inside the course.
The full Tech Toolbox product line will be priced from $2000 to $5000, depending on the tiers you purchase. It’s the only extraordinary-ability instruction manual anywhere, authored by a licensed attorney and experienced O-1 / EB-1A practitioner.
To have an attorney show you how to build your case right the first time, that’s a great price, compared to the $10K to $20K or more you can spend on bad lawyers and heartbreaking denials.
For a very limited time, for early adopters only, this foundational tier of the VisaBuilder Tech Toolbox course is specially priced at $500.
Why is it so affordable right now? Well, the Tech Toolbox product line has been in the works for a long time. The big-picture plan is for a comprehensive, multitiered O-1 / EB-1A course package:
The VisaBuilder Tech Toolbox Online Course Series: The Full-Featured Product Line
1. The Introductory Survey Course. The quick-start outline level of the Tech Toolbox guide.
2. The Design-Build Course. The foundational course. How to design, plan, and build your winning O-1 / EB-1A evidence package. (This course.)
3. The Assembly-Filing Course. How to finalize your O-1 / EB-1A case, work with attorneys, complete your forms, assemble your final petition, file your case with USCIS, and celebrate your case approval.
4. The RFE-Denial-Refiling Course. How to respond to RFEs, deal with denials, and play another round by refiling. How to persevere, never give up, never take it personally, and generally outwit, outlast, outplay.
5. The All-Access Pass. Everything in the first 4 tiers, plus extensive access to private law library documents, tech-specific examples, case studies, sample exhibits and letters, a giant Pinboard library, USCIS Service Center backstage materials, and privately compiled O-1 / EB-1A statistics and data.
What you have here is Tier 2, the Design-Build tier of the Tech Toolbox suite. This is the rock-solid foundation course. It contains all the core principles of the VisaBuilder methodology. You can certainly build your winning case with this course standing alone.
It’s also the first proof-of-concept for the whole big package. Like every new product, it needs some refinement. So $500 is the (very) temporary launch price.
If you’re here in the early-adopters group, you’re getting the big-course content, at the little-course price. For the serious O-1 / EB-1A applicant, seeking a solid, detailed roadmap to a winning evidence package, this is a GREAT time to join.
Not sure this is for you? The Tech Toolbox comes with a money-back guarantee. Review the materials for a week at your leisure. If it’s not what you were looking for, drop me a note within 7 days of purchase. Let me know why this isn’t the thing you wanted, and what you would have preferred. I’ll cheerfully refund your full purchase price.
(To avoid disappointment, please review the course outline and FAQ carefully before purchase. If you’re looking for the quick-build, fill-in-the-blanks template, this isn’t it! When those applicants’ quick-filed cases get denied, they’ll all get a warm welcome back here.)
Tech Toolbox FAQ
Is there an expiration date?
No. The content is yours forever, to review and study whenever you like. It’s the same course material that’ll be offered later at 4x to 10x the price.
Are there monthly subscription fees?
No. The price is the price. Pay once. It’s yours forever. It’s not a recurring-revenue product.
What’s the format?
The format’s a private website, with a simple membership login and password. You get complete lifetime access to the course, including updates, additions, and lower-tier content, with no surcharges or hidden costs.
How long is it?
When printed as a PDF, the entire course runs about 100 to 150 pages, depending on your display settings. It’s a lot of content! It’s best used as a detailed O-1 / EB-1A instruction manual. You’ll work through the modules several times, like a textbook, as your case grows and evolves over time.
When your starter product comes out, will I have to pay for that too?
No. Your Tech Toolbox membership includes access to all lower product tiers. You’ll be the first to know when additional materials are available!
I saw an O-1 webinar advertised on social media. How is this different?
“How I did it” tutorials from successful O-1 and EB-1A applicants are definitely trending. Many of these stories are incredibly inspiring! By all means, you should learn from their advice, both free and paid.
The Tech Toolbox is a completely different product. It’s a detailed legal manual, based on 25+ years of filing, winning, studying, and data-mining O-1 and EB-1A visa petitions, at some pretty high-profile law firms, in some pretty high-stakes cases. My case approval rate as attorney of record is over 99%.
So I’d consider this a complementary product to personal O-1 / EB-1A success stories. The serious applicant will collect as much high-quality data on O-1s and EB-1As as they can. A word of caution: Avoid scammy-looking things promising to “generate content” for your category evidence. These are quick routes to a USCIS fraud referral, which is game-over for all visa options.
Does your product cover the basics of the O-1 and EB-1A visa categories?
No, the basics are already available for free! The fundamentals of O-1 work permits, EB-1A green cards, what they are, why they’re useful, what you get, and how to get one, are laid out in detail on the VisaBuilder homepage, in the FAQ section. No purchase necessary. The Tech Toolbox course is built on this knowledge base, and it’s not repeated inside the course.
Does it show me how to fill out the USCIS forms, draft my form letters, and file my case?
Not yet. Those are items for the end of your case construction, not the beginning. Starting with forms and expert-letter templates seems like the quick way to build a case, right? And it IS a quick route – to building the wrong thing, getting a denial, starting over, and taking the long way around.
Building the right thing the first time can look like the slow way. It takes a bit of time to visualize what you’re building, and more important, WHY you’re building it that way. But once that foundation’s laid, your evidence comes together quickly. Your reference letters are powerful and persuasive. Your case approval’s much faster (and less expensive) when it’s done right the first time.
This is the course where you lay your foundation. If you were working with a top extraordinary-ability attorney, this would be the stage where the attorney works as your partner and advisor, to compile a strong evidence package and shape your case narrative.
The upcoming Tech Toolbox “assembly-filing” course tackles your later tasks, like collecting reference letters, completing forms, assembling your case, filing it with USCIS, and celebrating your win.
Obviously this sequential approach isn’t for everyone. There are some decent non-lawyer kits out there, like GreenCardApply, that might be a better fit for the applicant in a hurry.
What if I don’t like it?
The Tech Toolbox comes with a money-back guarantee. Review the materials for a week at your leisure. If it’s not what you were looking for, drop me a note within 7 days of purchase. Let me know why this isn’t the thing you wanted, and what you would have preferred. I’ll cheerfully refund your full purchase price.
What if I need help applying the concepts to my case?
Private consultations are available! They include a thorough review of your credentials; a one-hour Zoom call to answer your questions; and a recap email with recommendations for moving forward. Offered at $500 per consultation. Private link inside the course. Repeat as many times as you like.
What are the terms of sale?
The terms of sale are here at the bottom of the page.
This Is Your Moment.
It’s time to live the life you’ve imagined.
Finally launch your new venture.
Say yes to your dream job.
Make yourself at home. Unpack all your boxes. Then put them in the recycling bin. You won’t be needing them anytime soon.
The O-1 and the EB-1A aren’t just visas. They’re … your first deep breath since you got your H-1B.
That fresh smell in the air when you step outside.
That deep settling in your bones when you sink onto your living room sofa, knowing you’re really, finally home.
The incredible lightness you feel, when you grasp that rope that’s tying the anchor to your chest, and lift it gently over your head like a necklace.
Extraordinary ability is transformative. It changes lives. It’s why I do what I do. I want you to experience that feeling too — that first deep breath. The Tech Toolbox is your gift of freedom, to your own future self.
With your courage, your determination, your hard work, and your perseverance, I think you’ve earned that chance by now, don’t you?
View Terms of Sale
Terms of Sale and Use and Privacy Policy
These are the terms of sale and use for the VisaBuilder Tech Toolbox online course,, at the access level described above on this purchase page.
By clicking the “Buy Now” button above, and completing your purchase of this access level via Stripe at the stated price, you’re agreeing to these terms.
The seller’s Mary M. Kearney LLC, a Maryland corporation, dba VisaBuilder.
The buyer’s you, the person named on the credit card used to complete your purchase.
The seller agrees to sell, and you agree to buy, an access pass to the Tech Toolbox online course at, at the access level described, for the purchase price stated.
Specifically, you’re purchasing a single access pass, consisting of registration and login with a unique username, exclusively for one individual, you, the person named on the credit card used to complete your purchase.
What’s Included
Your purchase includes lifetime access to the course level you purchased, including updates, with no expiration date, subscription fees, or additional charges.
Other products or services may be available for purchase inside the course. They’re covered by their own separate terms and conditions on their own purchase pages, not by the terms stated here.
Customer Service and Refund Policy
Customer service is available to registered purchasers at for questions relating to registration, login, passwords, site access, and the like.
The Tech Toolbox comes with a money-back guarantee. Review the materials for a week at your leisure. If it’s not what you were looking for, email within 7 calendar days of purchase. In your email, request a refund, explain why this isn’t the right product for you, and describe the product you were looking for. Your full purchase price will be promptly refunded.
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Your access to the purchased course requires registration with your individual email, username, and password. Registration links and instructions are provided upon completion of purchase. Your username and password will be required to log in to the site to access the course.
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The email you provide may be used by the seller to contact you about customer service, course information, updates, additional products, and other course-related topics.
The seller’s customer-first privacy policies are stated in the footers to the VisaBuilder and Tech Toolbox websites. The seller respects your privacy and will never sell or broker your information to third parties.
Terms of Use
The Tech Toolbox online course is an informational site. Its content isn’t legal advice. Always consult with a licensed attorney specializing in immigration law to prepare and file a petition with US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) or other government agencies.
The access pass at the level you purchased is for the exclusive use of one person, you, and cannot be shared with others or disseminated to others. You agree not to share your login, username, or password with any third parties.
The Tech Toolbox content you purchased can be downloaded or printed for your personal use only, and cannot be shared with others or disseminated to others. You agree not to share this content with any third parties via download, print, screenshot, copy-paste, oral transmission, email, email attachments, computer sharing, screen-sharing, physical access, or any other means.
The unauthorized sharing or receipt of login information or content, as described in these Terms of Use, is a violation of federal criminal statutes including 18 USC 1030(a)(4), fraud in connection with computers; 18 USC 1343, wire fraud; and 18 USC 2701, unlawful access to stored communications. Such violations will require disclosure on all immigration forms asking whether the applicant has ever committed a crime, and failure to disclose them is also immigration fraud.
The unauthorized sharing of login information or content will void the access credentials for that account.
The intellectual property of the site and its subdomains, including the Tech Toolbox and, including all copyrights and trademarks, is the property of Mary M. Kearney LLC dba VisaBuilder.
The content on the Tech Toolbox site is offered “as is,” and the seller disclaims all warranties of any kind. Liability of any kind arising from use of the site is limited to the purchase price paid.
If the Tech Toolbox site becomes inactive or unavailable in future, the seller will notify you in advance so you can download your purchase for personal use.
These Terms of Sale and Use are governed by the laws of the state of Maryland, USA.
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Thank you for your purchase, and welcome to the VisaBuilder Tech Toolbox!